Meet our ICAM Science Reporters. They are the eyes and ears for ICAM Week of Science Reporters happening on Jan 13-17, 2025 at Nau mi haere mai ki Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Alaric Sanders
Home Institution: University of Cambridge
I study spin ice, a remarkable state of matter first seen by experiments in the late 90’s which behaves as though it contains magnetic monopoles. This is a so-called spin liquid – a material which, despite being composed of strong microscopic magnets, does not form any kind of long-ranged magnetic order even when cooled to zero temperature.
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Euan Grainger
Home Institution: University of Bristol
BIO: I am exploring how the “Hat”, a newly discovered aperiodic monotile, can be modelled as a quasi-crystal. Specifically, I am working on modelling the phase transition as you tune between a periodic and aperiodic lattice, as the Hat when tiled exists as a subset of a regular hexagonal lattice (unusually).
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Janan Alfehaid
Home Institution: Kent State University
BIO: My research is focused on investigating the accessibility of telomeric overhangs of varying lengths to small molecules, using single-molecule and bulk fluorescence methods.
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Md Shaikot Jaha Shuvo
Home Institution: City University of New York (CUNY)
BIO: I am mostly interested in high energy physics. My current research focus is on Wave turbulence and quantum field theories.
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Sebastian Leontica
Home Institution: Hubbard Theory Consortium
BIO: My work focuses on theoretical aspects of tensor networks and their significance for quantum many body systems. This broadly covers phenomena such as quantum chaos, thermalization, and measurement-induced dynamics in condensed matter systems.
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Shyam Raj Karullithodi
Home Institution: Florida State University
BIO: My research focused on experimental condensed matter physics, and I am currently working on the growth and characterization of topological magnetic materials. This includes quantum transport studies, magnetization measurements, and real-space imaging of topological spin structures.
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